I am a proud member of the House of Valor and NCM Leather Family. Within these communities of Leather Folk, I find some of my best, dearest friends, and I found family. These Leather I/individuals most likely know me best, for they accept the dark and light parts of me.
I am a Science of BDSM collaborator as well as a TASHRA (The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance) educator. My research generally connects BDSM to spirituality and overall wellness. I believe "positive" BDSM experiences improve mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I support my beliefs through lived, embodied experience and in-depth sexological research.
In my personal Leather Journey, I love exploring how pain contributes to spiritual understanding and resiliency as well as how darkness and light are irrevocably connected. I consider myself a spiritual sadist and edge player. I love bottoms who are driven to see what comes next and who inspire me to become a better and better Top and Master.
I am totally "out" as a BDSM practitioner, from my employers to my children. Accepting me means accepting my Kinky communities. Period.